Last reviews

Elizabeth McKinnon, Criminal Barrister | Criminal Lawyer

Charlie Goldie

Elizabeth is a remarkable Barrister. She is so professional in her job, and she makes you feel that you're her only client. It's that personal communication and advice that makes you feel you're in good hands. The case close to me in question had very serious criminal charges (8 in total) Elizabeth went beyond expectations. Her experience is priceless. Elizabeth achieved the best possible results, with just a couple of fines and no convictions on all charges. Looking for a Barrister, don't look any further, Elizabeth McKinnon is the one.

フラワリーカフェ カシェット

cubes icehot


The Coupe & Flute

Alicia Amiri

I love this restaurant. The owner operators are adorable and kind and industry vets. The food is interesting without being too gastro-foamy and too extra (lemongrass steak nachos, house made mushroom steam buns) but they also have classics like fois, cheese plate, French onion soup etc. The menu does rotate often so be prepared to explore new things. This is a champagne bar (only one red glass pour) and that’s a unique take in the city. There’s also a lovely cocktail program. And did I mention the decor is stunning?



A retail store which is exceptionally expensive. Customer service is not up to par through strategically positioned and wanting to close the deal - though there are no retail bargains. Note: 1. As soon as you land in Burano this is the first (and inviting) store you will see. Very strategically positioned. 2. Poor command of English and lack of understanding, and you are not allowed to take photo's of items you might want to buy! Approach seemed strange a bit untrustworthy. 3. Very expensive prices not fair ones as informed by Italian partner. 4. No discounts but tax free if you a non EU citizen but you must spend 154.95 euro. And you wont get back 22% but 11% at best. The store promotes this as a discount. It is not - this is a rule in Italy on VAT. That said a nice place to visit, lots of expensive but beautiful items with high mark-up prices in 'beautiful Burano'.


HK Nichkhun

網膜剥離で入院して手術をしました。 大学病院での入院は初めてでしたが、食事のメニューがあまり良くなかったです。カロリー制限等もされてるわけではなかったのですが、、、あまりにも朝食が質素でびっくりしました。無事手術も終わり退院できたので星は4つにします。また術後の定期検診は予約をしてるのに待ち時間が1時間前後ありました。

Centre dentaire Nice Dubouchage : Dentiste Nice - Dentylis

Yvic Ahnouche

Très mauvaise expérience avec le docteur baniasadi. Après avoir appelé pour une urgence Je passe ma radio , je lui explique que ça fait une semaine que j’ai mâle à la tête et que j’arrive plus a dormir à cause d’une carie qui a évolué en apsé .. et la .. elle me reçoit. Me. Consulte regarde l’état de ma dent et décide de rien faire .après si au final me dit de m’installer pour Me faire un trou dans là dent avec tout cest outils de charcutier .. tout ça pour me mettre un pansement par dessus ma dent infectée,que je vais perdre dans une semaine tout ça .pour m’avoir rien enlever au final et me dire de prendre un nouveau rdv .. attend je comprends pas ,c’est bien pour ça que je suis la , pour une urgence. Donc le docteur après m’avoir diagnosticé a décidé de rien faire au final . M’es qu’elle manque de professionnalisme.. non je je plaisante. C’est une incompétente au final . Qui travaille à la chaîne … Donc je me retrouve avec la dent troué encore plus .. elle a rien fait au final à part avoir bâclé sont travaille. Et me laisser avec Ma dent pourrie que je souffre encore plus après être passé chez eux à dentylis Nice . Super. Je recommande pas du tout dentylis.

ジェラートサンタ 道の駅とよはし店


道の駅とよはしに行くと必ず寄ります。 ジェラート屋さんですが、私はいつもアイスコーヒー¥300にソフトクリームトッピング¥150してもらいます。 大好きなコーヒーとソフトクリームを両方味わえる幸せ…。 コーヒーもやまなつ牧場のソフトクリームもきちんとコクがあって美味しいです。 いつか¥500のモーニングを食べてみたいです。



Ich war immer sehr gerne in dem Laden, aber leider hat Monki mich zunächst als Kunden verloren. Ich wollte einen Rock zurückgeben, der definitiv ungetragen war, an dem jedoch ein paar Flusen dran waren. Mir wurde unterstellt, dass der Rock getragen wurde, beide Verkäuferinnen waren direkt mehr als unfreundlich und nicht bereit normal darüber zu reden. So mit Kunden umzugehen geht absolut nicht! Ich bin kein Freund von schlechten Rezensionen im Internet, aber das Verhalten der Verkäuferinnen war ein Grund diese Bewertung zu veröffentlichen.

Zen Cafe

Vishrut Shivkumar

Quiet, quaint cafe - with good, fresh coffee and decent food. Came in and had their special cold hazelnut espresso - taste was outstanding. Coffee's here go well with their croissant, Zen cafe is a nice stop for tired travellers & backpackers!
बसून जेवणाची सुविधा
जेवणाचा प्रकार
प्रति व्यक्ती किंमत



1 人あたりの料金
食事: 5
サービス: 4
雰囲気: 4
monzaスペシャル 870円, お好み焼きそば肉玉

IQAC, Khulna University-9208

Kaniz Fatima Mohsin

The qualitative research approach gives us the autonomy to consider the context. I am explaining my experience from my context. Mid of my Ph.D. when I structured my methodology, drafted my questionnaire, and applied for ethical clearance, at that phase I had so many queries that like I am on the right track or not, whether I should carry on my struggling to incorporate a qualitative part, there are still so many confusions. this session gave me confidence regarding my work, I am now more motivated to incorporate a qualitative part in my Ph.D. The sessions were so engaging. Thanks to IQAC. Recommending other Ph.D. candidates to take part in the session and requesting IQAC to arrange such sessions dedicated to Ph.D. candidates, especially in their starting terms.

Holwood Cars Ltd

Jonathan McStay

Utterly superb! Like some and unlike others I knew specifically what car I was after – a MB CLS63. I knew what a good used one looked like – age, spec, cost, mileage, warranty etc. I did my research and I was prepared to travel (I live in York). Three cars made it into my final list and I approached each dealer with an initial enquiry regarding their vehicles and px on my CLS 350. This was the point at which Paul and Holwood first distinguished themselves above any other dealer I’ve ever dealt with. The other two dealers were MB dealers and one might like to think this would lead to a beneficial px price but no – they offered a loooooong way short and couldn’t phone me enough times to stress how sought after their vehicle was. Paul came back with a good px price (via email) straight away without qualification or pressure. Over the course of the next few days the Benz dealers were able to get to the same price but it left a bad taste! As far away as I live from Holwood (about 200 miles) it already looked and felt (by far) the preferable deal and dealer so I arranged to visit. I did so the next week and was delighted with everything I found at Holwood. This is a lovely dealership and the range of cars was fascinating – you could buy a couple, they cover such a range! Prestige and executive sports cars, saloons, convertibles and SUVs certainly but with more modest and conventional vehicles also. Even the circuit for the test drive is a really good one, allowing you to circle the dealership on a variety of roads and conditions. I was there a while talking with Paul and I saw other potential customers come in - Paul was courteous, provided info when asked and left them “unschmoozed” to look over the cars they were interested in. I really enjoyed my time talking with Paul while we conducted the exchange – enthusiastic, principled and intent on quality in all aspects of service - such a change from the authorised dealers with their endless supplies of scalding hot (dreadful!) coffee and endless introductions to Sales Managers! I drove that car away (with an extra quarter tank of fuel in as a courtesy!) and it has been spectacular every day since – if only I could drive it more! Despite the 200 miles I travelled I would actively seek to conduct business with Paul and Holwood again. A genuine, genuine pleasure.

Bense Store Apple Premium Reseller Münster

Edgar Schreiner

Absolut begeistert! Über die Apple Hotline wurde mir der Bense Store in Münster empfohlen. Die Mitarbeiter vor Ort haben sich meinem defekten Macbook direkt gewidmet und innerhalb von wenigen Minuten auch den Fehler (Software) analysiert. So konnte ich bedenkenlos wieder auf meine Daten zugreifen, diese sichern und den Macbook neu aufsetzen. Vielen Dank nochmals für die schnelle und saubere Arbeit!



久しぶりの利用です!みおさんのinstagramをフォローしていたところ、ずっと気になっていた毛穴やシミに効くプログラムを導入したという投稿を見て、予約しました! Dr.PUR BEAUTEというシリーズを、サロンでみおさんが施術してくれて、同じ商品とでホームケアしていく、というもので、子育てに忙しい私でもできるかもと思い、お願いすることに。 使い始めてみて、クレンジング&洗顔だけで毎回その日の毛穴の黒ずみがなくなっているのを見て「人生を変える化粧品」というタイトルの効果を実感しています。LINEで使い方などのフォローもしてくれるので、一度間違った使い方をしてしまっていたのも軌道修正してもらいました! 毛穴がきれいになって、肌がワントーン明るくなったら今度はシミが気になってきたので、シミのプログラムもお願いしたいなぁと思っているところです。 (前回の投稿)________________________________________________ 2回目の利用です。前回フェイシャルのコースを受けて、毛穴ツルツルお肌モチモチになったことや、デコルテまでしっかりマッサージしてくれたのが凄く気持ちよくて今回も同じコースを利用しました。 場所は前は少し分かりづらかったですが、今回は看板が出ていたのですぐ分かりました。 自宅サロンでとても清潔感があり、タオルやかけてくれる毛布もフワフワだし、ベッドの寝心地もよく、出してくれるものひとつひとつが丁寧に準備された空間に癒されました。 メニュー的にはリラクゼーション目的のものよりも本気でお肌の悩みを持っている方向けのものが多かったです。 決して安い価格帯ではないので、お肌の悩みを本気で解決するために、お金や時間をかけて通いたい方に向いていそうだなという印象です。 私はたまの自分へのご褒美程度にしか利用できませんが、mioさんの、お肌の悩みに誠心誠意向き合ってくれる姿勢と、聞き上手なのに眠たい時はそっとしてくれる絶妙な空気感にハマってしまったので(笑)、またストレス解消したくなったらうかがいたいと思います!

Golden Horseshoe Tire Service (1998) Ltd

Balen Jalal

Update: be aware: they take your money whether your car issue is fixed or not. Here is my story: I paid top doll just to install my tpms tire sensors because I had my tpms light on. Higher than active ross and green. They said we will install it and program it. Before even starting work, they checked that my sesnors are programmable. Once work is done, my light was still on. They said you have to drive some miles. I did that. The issue is still there. I called back this Adam guy. He said return to the shop (1 hour drive for me). I returned and they used their tool to reset it tgat forgot in the first place. They still could not fix it but they again told me to drive some miles for the second time to clear the code. I did that and the issue is still there. I called Adam again and he said to return once more. (Another additional hour of my time) I went back again and the issue is still there. Finally, they suggested to take it to the dealer. Now, I went to the Adam guy to ask for a partial refund, he disrespectfully said they do not issue a refund even after I explained that my issue is not fixed. He said he did not care. I will never return to this shop and for sure report this incident to the regulatory body. Note, beside the adam guy, tge tire guys were so respectful. This is called taking money with no service performed to fix costomer's issue.

Cafe Hyderabad Taste of Indian Food

Raj Chillappagari

Capturing the essence of this restaurant proves to be a delightful challenge, as words alone feel insufficient to convey its exceptional qualities. During my inaugural visit, I indulged in the Hyderabadi Dum Biryani, an experience that surpassed all expectations. Accompanied by Salan and Raita, the flavors were truly exceptional. Despite the seemingly modest portion, the authenticity of the Biryani compensated generously. Driven by curiosity regarding the restaurant's consistency, I revisited multiple times—on the second, third, and every subsequent occasion, the experience consistently maintained an impressive standard. This unwavering commitment to excellence is truly commendable. Diverging from the Biryani, I explored offerings such as Fried Rice, Pepper Chicken, and various curries, all of which proved to be outstanding. The exceptional taste consistently overshadowed any reservations I might have harbored. The restaurant consistently excels in delivering a diverse array of dishes, consistently meeting or surpassing expectations. It is worth noting, however, that both the quantity of the dishes and the level of customer service often fall short of justifying the price. Despite this minor drawback, the overall culinary adventure at this establishment stands as a testament to its enduring excellence.
Price per person
Food: 5
Atmosphere: 2

Consulate General of Greece


A few years ago I tried to apply for citizenship at the Tampa consulate. The lady running the office back then did her best to obstruct and misinform to keep me running in circles. I eventually got frustrated and gave up, which was her goal. It should have been easy for me, having been born in Athens with both my parents living there in retirement. It was not. After looking at recent Google reviews, I could tell something must have changed in the office. Every 5 star review mentions a lady named Nancy. So I immediately called the consulate and who answers? Nancy! I phoned to get some general information, which Nancy happily provided, but then she went further and asked me for specific information so she could search my family information in Greece. It took a little time but she found what we were looking for. Citizenship is a long process, so I will update this review once I am Greek on paper and not just in my mind.

Express Scripts Canada Co

Brittany Hughes

I was forced to transfer to this pharmacy by my insurance company to continue to have full coverage. I have had nothing but bad experiences. I received an email notification May 5 that I was due for a refill. I emailed back not 10 minutes later and confirmed what day I wanted delivery. By Friday, June 1 I still had not received my delivery. I called the pharmacy and was informed that it hadn’t even been filled yet. They promised that I would have my delivery on Monday, June 4 or Tuesday, June 5 at the latest if they had to order more in to fill my prescription. I received a further call on the 4th that they weren’t going to be able to get it to me til Wednesday, June 6. I still have yet to receive my delivery. When I called yet again to find out where it is, I was advised it hadn’t been sent because I didn’t confirm that sending it on June 6 was okay. I am not suddenly cured, I have followed up several times now why do I need to confirm yet AGAIN that I need medication?!? WORST pharmacy. Go to Bioscript Canada if you have a choice and avoid this place like the plague.

Second Avenue Hair

Anna Renda

My hair is fine and can be brittle depending on the product used and life’s stresses! I am incredibly fussy so when I came across Second Ave Hair I never looked to another stylist again. Since my first hair cut and colour 5 years ago, my hair has improved in strength and texture. Sam and Chlara know precisely what my hair needs and I am confident in their recommendations every time. I love coming into the salon, the staff are super friendly and always happy to chat.. or leave you in peace if that’s what you like! The salon manager is incredibly hospitable and makes a salon visit feel like I’m catching up with friends :) Booking online is super easy, and the no fuss payment options allows me to confidently pay without effort. I Highly recommend Second Ave Hair and Beauty

Chowking Restaurant Dragon Mart

ivy marie crismundo

لقد كنا عميلاً منتظمًا لمطعم Chowking منذ ذلك الحين، ولكن عندما ذهبنا إلى هناك (9 سبتمبر الساعة 12 ظهرًا) قررنا طلب طعام مختلف من مطعم آخر. كنا نجلس في مكان قريب على Chowking عندما رأيتهم فجأة يضحكون وينظرون إلينا بينما نتناول الغداء، … المزيد


ATMBeauty salonPharmacyBus stopCafeFloristDrug storeFurniture storeShopping mallBakeryCar washElectronics storeDentistHardware storeClothing storeBarBankGas stationSupermarketJewelry storeFuneral homeLiquor storePost officeTourist attractionReal estate agencyBook storeShoe storeGymInsurance agencyHotelConvenience storeDelivery RestaurantParkTravel agencyHair salonHigh schoolCar rental agencyPet storeLibraryCar dealerRestaurantAuto repair shopArt galleryNight clubUniversityParking lotFire stationAttorneyBicycle ShopMuseumPlumberMoverVeterinarianPet supply storeDoctorDepartment storeStadiumMovie theaterHome goods storeGrocery storeChurchRoofing contractorCemeteryBus stationAccountantElectricianCourthouseLocksmithLocal government officeParking garagePolice departmentSchoolUsed car dealerCoffee shopSelf-storage facilityCar repair and maintenance serviceElementary schoolPolice stationWomen's clothing storePainterTrain stationStoreTransit stopGeneral hospitalCity government officeTram stopTrucking companyFast food restaurantMosqueTobacco shopLaundry serviceLight rail stationLaundromatAmusement parkAccounting firmPhysical therapistTaxi serviceZooDay spaMovie rental kioskPublic libraryPizza restaurantSpaDry cleanerSaunaAnimal hospitalAuto insurance agencyLaser hair removal serviceSubway stationTour agencyMoving and storage serviceFamily practice physicianBowling alleyHospitalLaundrySandwich shopAquarium shopComputer storeKey duplication serviceVeterinary careWarehouseGift shopCasinoAutomobile storage facilityHome improvement storeForeign consulateBookkeeping serviceStorage facilityElectrical installation serviceHairdresserBoot storeCity courthouseSelf service car washMiddle schoolBeer storePersonal injury attorneyAuto parts storeKitchen furniture storeCosmetics storeSushi restaurantFitness centerVeterinary pharmacyJewelerDVD storeVaporizer storePublic universitySynagoguePrimary schoolCampgroundKaraoke barInternet shopAmusement park rideChristian churchMassage spaDental clinicCriminal justice attorneyBar & grillMen's clothing storeMedical clinicRussian Orthodox churchCatholic churchCertified public accountantFree parking lotTire shopCity HallMexican restaurantCounty government officeTransit stationEmbassyCity parkBaptist churchOrthodox churchEmergency locksmith serviceShipping companyCostume jewelry shopHindu templeChildren's clothing storeAirportArt museumAmerican restaurantMedical CenterHair removal serviceInnMotor vehicle dealerHypermarketAquariumLegal servicesTraffic police stationHookah storeGovernment officeRV parkChinese restaurantDiscount supermarketAmusement centerTransportation serviceOrthopedic shoe storeBicycle repair shopSports barPizza deliveryCell phone storeChildrens libraryWine storeKitchen supply storePubSkin care clinicCocktail barHookah barState policeGymnasium schoolCar inspection stationShort term apartment rental agencyDollar storeMemorial parkOrthodox synagogueGeorgian restaurantPhysical therapy clinicPastry shopPublic parking spaceItalian restaurantMusic schoolNail salonPediatric dentistHistory museumUniversity libraryHostelState government officeRecords storage facilityAdult entertainment storeCorporate officeReligious organizationSporting goods storeStationery storeCommercial real estate agencyPrivate universityE-commerce serviceCosmetic dentistMobile home parkBuilding materials storeCity tax officeLaw firmCollegeVariety storeWater parkTaxicab StandHealth spaInsurance brokerTakeout RestaurantChauffeur serviceOffice furniture storeUsed book storeButcher shopEspresso barAppliance storeFinancial institutionChildren's amusement centerKindergartenBeauty supply storeLoungeInternistSports complexInsurance companyCar rentalAirline ticket agencyDivorce lawyerCounty courtMassage therapistChurch of ChristAirport shuttle serviceSightseeing tour agencyPawn shopHamburger restaurantBathroom supply storeFreight forwarding serviceSpa and health clubPoliceBagel shopNon-profit organizationChildrens storeTransport interchangeDoor shopCarpet cleaning serviceAuto body shopNon-denominational churchDistrict councilAuto brokerFacial spaFamily restaurantBarber shopJewelry designerMeal deliveryChicken restaurantSouvenir storeInternational airportBed & breakfastDo-it-yourself shopFederal courthouseGeneral storeReal estate agentMovie rental storePrivate educational institutionLocal history museumTruck repair shopWildlife parkDistrict courtTropical fish storeOffice space rental agencyPentecostal churchGeneral practitionerJanitorial serviceAuto glass shopMagistrates' courtMotelReform synagogueMilitary cemeteryTax preparation serviceMedical spaThai massage therapistHealth food restaurantBoot repair shopBuddhist templeRailroad companyBankruptcy attorneySoup restaurantBus companyPlace of worshipEvangelical churchParkingBoutiqueRegional government officeVisa and passport officeTheme parkCourt of ArbitrationEmergency veterinarian serviceWork clothes storeHeliportSports clubTour operatorElectrical supply storeReal estate consultantComic book storePlumbing supply storeGuest houseCharter schoolBoat storage facilityBicycle storeHistorical landmarkBedroom furniture storePresbyterian churchAirlineHealth insurance agencyAirstripMattress storeIndian restaurantJapanese restaurantSeafood restaurantLodgingReal estate rental agencyBicycle rental servicePassport officeOpticianSocial security officeConservative synagogueTool storeFashion accessories storeFederal government officeTourist information centerSofa storeLive music barLingerie storeShawarma restaurantCake shopSeventh-day Adventist churchSuburban train lineComputer repair serviceHeritage museumLawyerCatererWar museumOphthalmologistHousing authorityGastropubApartment rental agencyVietnamese restaurantPublic educational institutionAssociation or organizationPet groomerScience museumBusiness centerMoving companyFood storeConstruction companyDiscount storeToy storeOffice supply storeFixed-base operatorInternational schoolAuto spring shopSports nutrition storeProtestant churchCandy storeGay night clubLyceumSenior high schoolHome insurance agencyHoliday apartmentExtended stay hotelExhibition and trade centreBreakfast restaurantEducation centerWholesale bakeryFamily law attorneyInclined railway stationAnimal parkModern art museumObstetrician-gynecologistMagazine storeTea storeGambling houseArt schoolWatch storeDisco clubRoofing supply storeDonut shopSecond hand storeSportswear storeWaxing hair removal serviceCathedralChildren's hospitalDistrict attorneySmoke shopEducational institutionDinerLanguage schoolNursery schoolJustice of the peaceBanquet hallEuropean restaurantConcert hallWallpaper storePackage lockerAuto machine shopInternet service providerShrineLighting storeEnglish language schoolFishing storeLutheran churchShipping servicePiano moving serviceWheel storeBalloon storeIrish pubChildren's museumMediterranean restaurantManufacturerCold storage facilityEvent plannerFurniture makerShipping and mailing serviceLife insurance agencyAsian restaurantCleanersHouse cleaning serviceArt cafeFurniture accessories supplierRecording studioDress storeNovelty storeWholesalerBedding storeJewelry repair serviceLimousine serviceOuterwear storeBicycle wholesalerOpen air museumSeaportMusical instrument storeBrewpubBridgeAlcohol retail monopolyParty equipment rental servicePlastic surgeonImmigration attorneyResort hotelPaint storePediatricianHandicapped transportation serviceRussian restaurantErotic massageRail museum